Service is a way to transform our minds and rediscover the best part of who we are: neighbors. Obviously, today is a time of distraction. There are so many things competing for our attention. Mostly, and I really hate to say this, the concern for our attention involves monetary gain. Now before we had these connected computers in our pockets the way advertisers got our attention was via billboards, radio ads, newspapers, and television. There was also a time, if you had cable T.V., when you could watch without advertisements.
Reflection is looking back over the past and learning from it. Observing the highs and lows of a given time period allows us to celebrate the good things and to think upon those things we could have done better. Reflecting gives us an opportunity to step outside of ourselves and look at given interactions more objectively since we are no longer in the action. The emotions and environmental influences are more distant, and we can take an honest look at things as they actually were to the best of our recollection.
Reflection is not meant to be a time for beating oneself up over the past, or to wish for those wonderful things that occurred in the past to happen again. It is a time to be grateful. It is a time to be grateful for all of those wonderful past things. Those things that we remember well and are fond of and desire to “return” to. The interesting thing about the past and good things is that even as great as they where, they can never happen again. The only wonderful things that can happen in the future are going to be new and different from the wonderful things of the past. The wonderful future can be just as good and will always be different.
Sunday School
It’s that time of year again, the beginning of Sunday School. Where the children learn a bit about the Bible, and each other. Truly in hearing the stories of the Bible told for the first time for the younger children, and for older kids and adults hearing the old stories and the lectionary stories and learning to ask questions, are the fruits of learning about God’s love for the world. Including God’s love for them and how we can love God back. In other words, learn to love God.
Blessings and Backpacks
This Sunday we came together for worship and fellowship as usual. With extra fellowship. The extra fellowship was that during the service I invited all youth with backpacks, and adults with briefcases, to have them blessed in preparation for a new school year. We prayed for students and teachers, for questions and answers, for many things but most of all that the school year will be a good one. Where Children can accept information all the while being “in formation.”
By “in formation” I mean that the students learn how to be inquisitive in such a way that they become lifelong learners. They no longer necessarily need a teacher to give them information, but rather the ability to learn has been transferred to them. Transforming them in such a way that they can find the information they need.
Learning & Loving God, Together
I had a great day last Thursday with the Chaplain at HSES, Suzy Spencer, as we walked around saying blessings and sprinkling Holy Water all over the school. (I even blessed the Office and the Bayou City Blessings space among others. No place unblessed.) After the blessing we had an all-school Eucharist with the teachers and the school support staff. It was a wonderful event.
The School Blesses the church with the sounds of teachers and staff preparing for the children to begin another year, start their first, or start their last. The service made me look forward to hearing children playing in the playgrounds and praying in the Sanctuary.
Showing Up…
Showing up can be direct by being with the body of Christ face to face like ushering, and showing up can be indirect by helping others to show up with you working in the background and maybe not even seeing who you help.
Camille and Jimmy were about to embark in a ministry called Logos. Logos is a multi-generational ministry where one night a week people from every generation come together to eat, pray, play, and Bible study together. It was scheduled for Wednesday evenings during the school year, and I thought I was going to enjoy some time by myself every Wednesday night. Then they left.
I don’t think I made it through the first Wednesday before I wanted to participate.
Love God and Love Neighbor
Dear Holy Spiriters,
During my sermon last week, I spoke a little bit about showing up. As Jesus showed up and was present with all those he taught and healed we too need to show up to be with one another. We need to show up because where two or three are gathered God is there too. God is also with us when we are alone but that is only half of the greatest commandment, you know, “Love God and Love neighbor.” In that commandment you can see God’s will for us to live life more abundantly through him with each other. St. Paul does describe the church as the Body of Christ, so being with neighbors is being with God.
Thank you!
Thank you.
Thank you for the wonderful Sunday welcome even though some of you still had no power you managed to come. Thank you.
My family enjoyed meeting you, especially Camille.
I am looking forward to many great days here at Holy Spirit.
I also want to take a moment to share a letter that Melissa Peter sent to the staff. What a wonderful thing to do.
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