Sunday School

It’s that time of year again, the beginning of Sunday School. Where the children learn a bit about the Bible, and each other. Truly in hearing the stories of the Bible told for the first time for the younger children, and for older kids and adults hearing the old stories and the lectionary stories and learning to ask questions, are the fruits of learning about God’s love for the world. Including God’s love for them and how we can love God back. In other words, learn to love God.

All of us also get to hear of God’s interactions with people through Jesus. We get to talk about those actions and learn how to interact with each other. We learn to love each other as Jesus loved the world. In other words, we learn how to love each other.

All the while by being a part of Holy Spirit in Sunday School we get an opportunity to reflect on God’s activity with and through God’s people. We study the Bible several verses at a time. We pray together in Celebrating the Word and Table at Eucharist as laid out in the Book of Common Prayer. At Holy Spirit, we serve one another by participating in the life of the church ministries. We become better disciples through reflection, study, prayer, and service.

In all of that we learn to fulfill the basic and most important commandment given to us by Jesus: Love God, and Love Neighbor.

Just by coming to the Eucharist and Sunday School. Amazing.

Fr. Mitch+




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