Showing Up…

Dear Holy Spiriters,

Showing up continued…

Showing up can be direct by being with the body of Christ face to face like ushering, and showing up can be indirect by helping others to show up with you working in the background and maybe not even seeing who you help.

Camille and Jimmy were about to embark in a ministry called Logos. Logos is a multi-generational ministry where one night a week people from every generation come together to eat, pray, play, and Bible study together. It was scheduled for Wednesday evenings during the school year, and I thought I was going to enjoy some time by myself every Wednesday night. Then they left.

I don’t think I made it through the first Wednesday before I wanted to participate.

In this ministry my main job was to help cook and clean up. Not always a fun line of work, especially the cleaning up part. But to peek through the service window and see all those people of different generations eating together, hearing the worship and playtime from a distance, and knowing that Bible study was going on, made me realize that my part allowed all these people to grow together in love of God and each other. It allowed these people to show up for each other.

There are other ways of showing up: Lay Eucharistic visitor, calling on a church member that cannot come to church for some reason, the many worship ministries offered, the many fellowship offerings that allow other people to organize and serve so people can show up for each other, plus many more.

Now I know the priesthood is not for everyone, and ushering is not for everyone, and cooking and cleaning for 100 people is not for everyone, but I do know that showing up is.

How might you show up at Holy Spirit this year?

My prayer for you today is that this year you try one new thing to show up for and commit time to it. I pray you are not easily discouraged and stick with however you decide to show up. Showing up is loving God and neighbor. Because in showing up together, we are the Body of Christ.

God’s Peace,



Learning & Loving God, Together


Love God and Love Neighbor