Learning & Loving God, Together

I had a great day last Thursday with the Chaplain at HSES, Suzy Spencer, as we walked around saying blessings and sprinkling Holy Water all over the school. (I even blessed the Office and the Bayou City Blessings space among others. No place unblessed.) After the blessing we had an all-school Eucharist with the teachers and the school support staff. It was a wonderful event.

The School Blesses the church with the sounds of teachers and staff preparing for the children to begin another year, start their first, or start their last. The service made me look forward to hearing children playing in the playgrounds and praying in the Sanctuary.

And they are here, now! This week the school hosted a meet the teacher event and the church had a table in the Parish Hall with other like the Cheer Squad, Bayou City Blessings, and many other activities at the school. I met many new parents and children. I felt the same excitement as they did because I am new also. I had written “I’m new” on it.

Then the next day the children came. I am no longer looking forward to hearing them because I am hearing them all the time. The campus is alive with active little people all over!

I am thankful for the ministry of the school, for the leadership, the teachers, the support staff, the parents, and of course the children. The school is a place where they learn academics and Episcopal Compassion, Service, and Respect. Where, no matter what their faith tradition is, they can learn about the activity of Jesus in the world and how we might try to be more like Him. They learn to love God and neighbor. What a great time.

God’s Peace,


Blessings and Backpacks


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