Thank you!

Thank you.

Thank you for the wonderful Sunday welcome even though some of you still had no power you managed to come. Thank you.

My family enjoyed meeting you, especially Camille.

I am looking forward to many great days here at Holy Spirit.

I also want to take a moment to share a letter that Melissa Peter sent to the staff. What a wonderful thing to do.

Good morning!

Thank you all for a lovely Sunday at Holy Spirit!

I just wanted to take a minute to add to John Del’s “thank yous” from yesterday. Thank you to each of you! As staff, you have gone above and beyond to make sure that we could all continue in worship, fellowship and service. Your work makes a difference to all of us in drawing closer to God. In fact, we see Him reflected in you.


Thank you to you, Juan, Francisco and Nicholas and all the other staff that works to keep our facilities and scheduling working. You are solid as a rock and we all appreciate your wisdom, experience and expertise.


Thank you for always greeting us with a smile and a willingness to serve. Your attention to detail is beyond anyone I know and ensures that we always have everything we need to fully experience God at HSEC. 


Thank you for making sure we always have the information we need to engage in our shared community. Your talents and creativity are amazing.


Thank you for everything you do to bring energy and lightness to our community. Your love of Jesus is infectious. We will miss you in the church office.


Thank you for your leadership and commitment in helping HSEC serve our community through Bayou City Blessings. Your empathy is a beautiful example of Jesus.


Thank you for the energy and passion you bring in showing us how to serve unconditionally. Your commitment to feeding children across Houston truly reflects our mission to “Feed my lambs”.


Thank you for your gentle and kind leadership. You kept us moving in a positive direction financially (even when we weren’t!). You made sure we had priests to lead us in worship which was a huge undertaking and one that was completely done “in the background”.  I will miss seeing you in the office.

Kevin and I along with our entire community are so grateful for everything you have done for us these last few years and in all the years we have been in community with you.  You all work so hard and serve so well.

Melissa Peter

Thank you, Holy Spirit Staff.

Thank you, Melissa.

Thank you, Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, for all you do!


God’s Peace,


Love God and Love Neighbor

