Welcoming the New Rector

Hello Holy Spirit!

Help the new rector get to know you - add a photo of you and your family members to Realm

Let's make it easier for our new rector to learn our names. All you need to do is email a picture of yourself to Shelia at swilliams@hsechurch.org. Just grab a recent photo from your camera roll or snap a quick selfie! If you have family members that are also part of Holy Spirit, send in their photos and names as well. The office staff will do the leg work of adding your submitted photo to your Realm profile. Technologically challenged?  Grab your friend and ask them to snap a photo of you and email it on your behalf (with your name in the subject line). 

Welcoming Fr. Mitch & the Family to Houston

As many of you know, Father Mitch and his family will be moving into the rectory on June 17. If you would like the opportunity to drop by and introduce yourself, help with a little unpacking, or even bring lunch or a snack, Wednesday June 19 is the day to do that. Tentative times to visit are 10 am -3 pm, but subject to change. I will be there around 9:30 with breakfast kolaches and meet the family. Please let me know if you are interested. Perhaps several of you could go in together and bring lunch around noon. Just click on link below to email Pat Groves, so that she can coordinate.


Father’s Day Blessings


Photos, Introductions, Building Connections