Photos, Introductions, Building Connections

Dear Friends,

Summer has arrived with a kind of vengeance already, as the winds blow and temperatures and humidity rise.  The storm season is a reality now with the hurricane season upon us.  Taking care and planning for what might come to be is in all our minds.  Being responsible to the needs we have and may soon have is very real to us, our families and to our communities.  I hope that each of us can take some time to make sure we are as ready as we can be to meet some of the challenges that may yet come our way.  In the face of the uncertainty of the future and the lack of control that we have over the seasons and the weather, it is even more important to be sure to stay connected to each other, to family and to friends.  Let’s make an extra effort, as we move into the summer, to be connected in our communication and in our prayer.  I hope that as Sundays come and go, we can be present to one another in prayer and thought and, whenever possible, in person for worship.

We are asking again for some practical help in sustaining and building real connections.  Very simply, on Sundays, please wear a name tag and if you don’t know folks please introduce yourself.  Welcome visitors and encourage them to fill out a visitor card.  And, for sure, please take some time to upload your current information into REALM, online, including current pictures.  If you have any problems with any of these requests, please contact the office and we can help you.

Summer is often a time of travel, of vacation and time away.  I hope that with a little extra effort we might, this year, work to stay connected and to be ready to support each other, however we might be able, during the summer months.

Fr. Bob


Welcoming the New Rector


Welcome Guest Preacher The Rev. Charles Graves IV