Father’s Day Blessings

Dear Friends at Holy Spirit.

I am looking forward to celebrating with you all this Sunday around our Altar and offering thanks for the blessings that come to us through answering the call to be Fathers and to nurture life and serve as role models to our children and to others.  We will have a special Fathers’ Day blessing for those who gather to worship as well as a little gift bag for all the POPS with us Sunday.

I wanted to let you all know that I will be out of town this week, heading to Chicago, for what is called the “Chapter” of my Franciscan Community, The Community of Francis and Clare. We begin Tuesday and finish the following Monday.  I’ll return to town on 25 June.  We gather once a year from several countries and a couple continents as an Anglican Franciscan Community.  It is a wonderful event, a celebration of our Community in prayer, study, and siblinghood together.  Many of us can visit with each other only via Zoom throughout the year and so look forward to a little time together in person. You can check out the Community at the website: CFCFranciscans.org Our Bishop Visitor is Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Schori, former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. She will be with us throughout the week.

Fr. Isaias Ginson will be standing by, on call, should there be a pastoral emergency.  If you need a priest emergently, he can be contacted through the parish office.  I am also available by phone at my number found in REALM if the office is closed.

On our last Sunday on the Staff of Holy Spirit, Aimee, Suzy and I look forward to visiting with everyone in the Parish Hall immediately after the 10:30AM Service.  More information will be forthcoming about the gathering but I surely hope you can put it on your calendar and visit together.

Peace and every Blessing,
Fr. Bob


Welcome to Holy Spirit


Welcoming the New Rector