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Sunday Service

Join in the Nave for Sunday Worship (Rite II) at 10:30 am.

Welcome Guest Presider, The Rev. Francene Young to Holy Spirit for the 8 am & 10:30 am Worship.

She’s is the current Dean of Administration for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas’ Iona School for Ministry. While working as a Vice President in Human Resources for a global energy company, she attended the Episcopal Diocese of Texas Iona School for Ministry. After successfully completing the three-year program, Francene was ordained a Transitional Deacon in 2011 and a Priest in January 2012.  She is one of several bi-vocational priests in the Diocese of Texas. There will not be a 5 pm service on Feb 11.

February 11

Sunday Service

February 13

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper