Sunday, May 19 @ 11:45 am
Palmer Parish Hall
Pentecost celebrates the day that the Holy Spirit came upon the community and empowered the church to spread the good news of God’s love. As the church of the Holy Spirit, this is a special day of celebration for us. So, we will be having a picnic with a lot of games and activities after church. Join us as we celebrate with fellowship, food, and activities for all ages.
** There will only be the 10:30 am Worship on Sunday, May 19, 2024 **
BBQ Shredded Chicken & Pulled Pork Sliders provided.
Please bring a side dish or a dessert to share!
Last names beginning with:
A-M: Sides and Salads*
N-Z: Desserts
*(e.g. - beans, rice, chips, dips, fruit/veg platter etc)
Water, lemonade, tea will be provided. Please bring your favorite beverages.
Questions contact the front office.