Welcome The Rev. Mitch Tollett and his Family to Holy Spirit!

Fellow Holy Spirit Parishioners,

You may recall that it was May 2023 when Father Josh Condon left our congregation and moved his ministry to Nashville. If you were like me, it was a very unsettling time, filled with uncertainty. Along the way, our congregation faced many challenges, but together we have prayerfully persevered and have a lot to be grateful for. Our congregation, vestry and staff, have stepped up their support and leadership of the parish and we are most fortunate to have Father Bob Flick as our Interim Rector. We also assembled a talented and dedicated group of parish members to serve on our Search Committee to find our new rector who will lead the next chapter of our congregation’s spiritual journey.

On that note, I have very good news to report. Our collective prayers have been answered, and I am pleased to announce that Father Mitch Tollett has agreed to serve as our new rector starting July 1st. He comes highly recommended by many leaders in our Diocese and received unanimous support of both our Search Committee and Vestry. We are very blessed and fortunate to find a Rector who will be a good fit for our congregation. Father Mitch is very excited and willing to accept the challenge to lead Holy Spirit Episcopal Church and School into the future.

In closing, I would like to call out each member of the Rector Search Committee and thank them for their considerable investment of time and talent to find the right person to be our new rector. God’s blessings to:

1. Steve Sigloch (Chairman)
2. Evan Lester (Vestry)
3. Sandy Knight (Vestry)
4. David Robinson
5. Melinda VanPaasschen
6. Karen Montgomery
7. Linda Higgins
8. Chris Pallenik
9. Stephen Marshall


John Del Mixon,
Senior Warden


Dear Holy Spirit Family,

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am The Rev. Mitchell Tollett and along with my wife Camille and my son Jimmy I am looking forward to getting to know you. A few things about me. I grew up in Houston in the Meyerland area. I graduated from the University of Houston and the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. I served in the United States Navy as an electrician, and later as a programmer for companies in the Houston area. I enjoy cooking, grilling, and hanging out with my family among other things. I was a curate at Christ Episcopal Church and School in Temple and served as rector of St. Francis in Tyler for over ten years.

I would like to thank the Search Committee and their Chair, Steve Sigloch, as well as the Vestry and Sr. Warden, John Del Mixon. They were all prayerfully attentive and focused on the needs of Holy Spirit Church and School and who the next rector should be. I have been set up with a Transition Team so that we can begin this journey together positively and effectively. I have also met with the Holy Spirit School Head of School, Kelly Broaddus, and I am looking forward to working with her. Again, I cannot wait to get to know the people and staff of Holy Spirit Episcopal Church and School.

People always ask me how to address me. So my last name, Tollett, is pronounced like "wallet" with a “T” instead of a “W”. My answer as far as addressing me goes is that it depends on your own piety. Some will call me Reverend Tollett, some Father (Fr.) Mitch, and some Mitch. The old school approach would be Mr. Tollett, believe it or not. Father Mitch or Mitch are popular choices so far. I am looking forward to my first Sunday being July 14. This will allow me time to unpack and take care of honey do’s. See you then.

May God’s Peace always be with you,
Fr. Mitch+


Welcome Guest Preacher The Rev. Charles Graves IV


Good and Faithful Servant