It’s All Going to Happen!

I was hiking in the bird sanctuary this week and was overjoyed to see all the bright green new leaves on the trees.  I am not sure if it’s because we live in Houston and the seasons are a bit more nuanced here, or if the past year of covid-tide has made time and seasons less distinctive and noticeable, but the sudden blooming of creation is such a great thing to witness.  Holy Week too feels this way.  When Sarah preached a couple of weeks ago, she shared something a friend said that I think of often: We tend to think we are on a journey or progressing towards Easter, but really, we are running in place and Easter is coming toward us. 

Any good surprise has the power to bring wonder, insight, and joy.  I remember walking into our very small Upper East Side apartment on my 30th birthday to find it packed with friends who all yelled “surprise” as I entered.  After the sudden jolt, I was so happy to see such joyful friendly faces!  This year, Easter and the promise of resurrection comes to us in a similar flash.  It will be a flash of surprise.  It will be a flash of excitement and wonder.  When I think of the surprise of Easter, I cannot help but to think of that first Easter when a distraught and weeping Mary stood at the empty tomb and asked the person she thought to be the gardener where he had laid Jesus’ body. The moment the resurrected Jesus said her name her whole world was changed as was ours.

Friends, the surprise is ever before us.  Like every surprise, it is impossible to anticipate, but our whole hope is the assurance that resurrection and new life is imminent.  Easter will come.  I pray you will walk with us through Holy Week to understand the depth of this approaching new life of love.

We love you and God loves you.


How Will it End?


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