Coming Home

As I mentioned in last week’s Spirit Shot, I have received my first vaccine. I am not alone! It seems every day comes with updates from the CDC about how vaccinated people can begin to gather! I imagine these next couple of months will feel like that last hour of a long car trip home when you start to recognize places but still have a way to go before you finally part and step out of the car. We seem to be in the home stretch and I, like you, can’t wait to be back together!!! For now, we are doing everything we can to make sure we arrive at our spiritual home safely.

As Holy Week quickly approaches us, we have determined a pathway forward with our current Covid restrictions. I am thrilled to say that this will likely be the last time we will have to adapt! As many in our community aren’t yet vaccinated or comfortable coming to church, we will continue to offer virtual services for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. We are also going to offer in-person outside services for Palm Sunday (9:00 and 3:00), Good Friday (Stations of the Cross at 6:00), and Easter (at 9:00 and 11:00). We are working on possible adaptations in case of inclement weather.

I have also heard from a person who was curious about when we anticipate being able to reconvene our normal Sunday morning schedule. We have been planning for some time a transition to streaming our 10:30 service on Sundays allowing us to return to having 8:00 and 10:30 services in the nave. Obviously, this comes with technical and logistical adjustments and additional equipment, but we are in progress and hope to do so as soon as the summer months.

It is hard to believe we have navigated a full year of this pandemic. I am so grateful and proud of our parishioners, leaders, and staff that have risen to the occasion of continuing our shared ministry! I pray that God will watch over us and keep us safe as we prepare for a full and joyful life of faith in the not too distant future!

We love you and God loves you.


It’s All Going to Happen!


To Live Again or to Live Anew?