Elephant in the Room

Back in the spring when I was given the slot in August to write a piece for Spirit Shot, my mind went back into school mode, and I toyed with a few pieces that would bring to light the excitement of back to school. Once I’d decided what to write, I put the writing aside and moved on into summer and plans to vacay with my granddaughters and bonding time together with all my girls. The trip was set, the tickets bought, the condo reserved, and all that was left to do was get on the plane and enjoy! That elephant was hiding and ready to step out at any moment, but I ignored it and was totally convinced our plans were meant to be. After twelve hours in the emergency room, I knew my husband had pneumonia, but I was not giving up, so I commenced to doctoring and getting him fit to hold down the fort while we were all away. The Sunday before we left and with things still up in the air with health issues, I gratefully knelt in my pew with my friends and family and prayed that all would be well. Such encouragement and love can only come from my home and from Holy Spirit, so I went home to pack and get ready for “my girl trip”! We’d started with 6, but then one stayed home to help with her dad, and then we were 5. We continued looking forward to our week of beach time, good food, and great company. Two days into the trip, the elephant opened the door, walked right in, and made himself at home on my chest. On day three, I had Covid! I’m negative now for Covid three weeks into it, but what the elephant continues to do is sit on my chest, and that isn’t good. Through this whole journey, I’ve prayed unceasingly to God that He spare my children, my husband, and my precious friends at church. I’m not finished by a long shot. Residuals of Covid will be around me for a long time, but if nothing else, I have changed. My faith is strong; my belief is that God has plans for me that I cannot know, and until He’s ready, God has my heart and soul to prepare me.

Sandy Knight


Holy Spirit, Our Touchstone


Blue Roof Moments