Holy Spirit, Our Touchstone

Often life presents challenges and celebratory moments, both small and awe-inspiring, when we need a touchstone—a constant—that helps us navigate through and stay grounded in such times.  Christians, of course, have their faith to turn to as their “constant.”  Our church, Holy Spirit, and its wonderful clergy, vestry, staff, and members, are another such touchstone.  As I write this, my thoughts cannot help but turn to issues and events my family has recently faced and will face—not too different, most likely, from those that you and other Holy Spirit members have experienced: an elderly family member who suddenly takes a turn towards end of life; a young adult child who takes a job out of state after college, moving far away from her comfort and support system; a young married couple about to experience the joys and trials of the birth of their firstborn. I also think of friends who face their own struggles and triumphs—a recent cancer diagnosis that is successfully overcome; an adult child struggling with an eating disorder; another friend's college baseball player son signed to a Major League Baseball team. “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans,” as the adage goes. I am so thankful that, throughout the ups and downs that life presents, my family and I have Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in our lives as our constant, our touchstone. 

June Cowan

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