Holy Spirit Volunteer Ministries

Hello to my friends at Holy Spirit

I am Pat Groves and newly appointed Director of Volunteer Ministries. Father Bob asked me to write this week's column in his absence, so here goes.

My husband, Mark, and I are part of the Emmanuel Episcopal transplants to Holy Spirit following Hurricane Harvey. We were members there for 27 years and our daughter was born and raised in that parish.

While we all attend church for our spiritual development, I have always loved the sense of community and belonging. Walking into church on Sundays and seeing people you know and have served with in one capacity or another, always gives me such a warm and welcoming feeling. Having said that, I want to add that that does not happen overnight and the easiest way to make connections is to volunteer in one or several of the different ministries at Holy Spirit.

Starting over at Holy Spirit 6 years ago was difficult. How we would ever feel like we belonged again? Mark and I joined the Saints and Sinners dinner group and to our good fortune we were assigned to a group with long time members. Connections and a way to know people!! My heart has always been in hospitality and I volunteered to help with Korey's Ordination reception. More connections. I was included in emails to help with funeral receptions. Suddenly, I was meeting so many new people and I had a place.

I think everyone knows how much churches rely on their volunteers and Holy Spirit is no exception. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful staff who do so much for the church. However, the staff cannot possibly manage all that needs to be done. That is where the idea grew to have a director of volunteer ministries to be support for all of the ministry groups. I asked for a list of the ministries and was amazed to find out that there are 32 groups. All 32 run on volunteers who give of their time and talent. Lots of opportunities for anyone wanting to be more involved. Some ministries are more task oriented and many have social events.

When I tell you it takes a village to pull off a Sunday service, it is the truth. Acolytes have been assigned (great way for kids to begin serving), ushers have their rotation dates, verger, chalice bearers, lay readers, and vestry member of the day have been assigned. Atar Guild folks are at the church every Saturday morning setting the altar for communion and they do not miss a detail. The choir has practiced and is ready with a beautiful offertory selection. Again, church members giving their time and talent, so we can all have a meaningful experience on Sunday mornings.

On a lighter note, there are many opportunities for fellowship and socializing. There is a Ladies’ group, Men’s group, Youth group, Betweeners (anyone between life phases), PG13 group for parents and POLO (parents of little ones), small group supper club (annual sign up and meals are held in member’s homes), and SREN (senior retired group who lunch and take field trips alternate months). Information is available in the weekly Spirit Shot, so you can make plans to attend. Additionally, the Fellowship group hosts lunches after church occasionally and is a perfect way to visit with other members in a casual atmosphere.

There are a wide variety of outreach ministries at Holy Spirit. Blessings in a Backpack is probably the most recognizable, since there is always a “food focus” bin at the church entrance on Sundays. Something as small as dropping off a food donation is a wonderful way to volunteer. Other outreach ministries include Lord of the Streets (LOTS), Mission of Yahweh (church women go the first Friday of the month and play games and share snacks with the women living there), Raise Up Families, MAM and WHAM.

There is one more important point that I would like to make here. We are all in different phases of life, whether it be families with little ones, parents managing middle school and high school kids’ activities, all the way to someone like me who just recently retired. All of our time commitments vary, but we can all make a difference. Please think about the ministries that you have just read about and consider what your contribution could be. I consider the best gift we gave our daughter was to raise her in a church. She watched us serve and she went on to acolyte, go on mission trips, help in the kitchen (like the Stuckey boys!), and even served as a LEM. Families grow the church and I cannot think of a more wonderful place than Holy Spirit for all of us to grow together.

I look forward to getting to know more of you.

Peace and blessings
Pat Groves
Director of Volunteer Ministries


Welcome Guest Preacher The Rev. Brad Sullivan


Holy Week at Holy Spirit