
My Dear, new, friends at Holy Spirit, 

First thing, I just want to thank each and every one of you who has been so incredibly welcoming to me in the week or so that I have spent with you all.  I am overwhelmed, really, on so many levels (all good)! I thank the Vestry, particularly, for the kind and careful guidance that they have so far provided me as I work it integrate into the culture of this, great, faith community. I look forward to spending time with you all in a more social setting this Sunday for the Vestry’s “getting to know you” time between the morning Eucharistic Celebrations.  Surely, we will have many months to further our friendships as we move forward. 

The Vestry has been clear that the primary duties of my ministry as Interim are mostly three.  Number one: Common Prayer and Eucharist, the Sacramental life of the Parish.  Two:  Adult Christian Formation and Education and Three: pastoral care and working with those in the congregation who already are engaged in these ministries.  Other tasks, encouraging and managing the staff, engagement with outreach ministries and the like are also included.  All of this is to be carried out with an eye forward to making for a smooth and seamless transition to your new Rector. 

To those ends I want to squander no time looking forward to our ADUT CHRISTIAN FORMATION AND EDUCATION together.  This Sunday, I want to hear from you all about your own personal interests.  Please be with us for our time together.  (Staff has assured me that there will be extra coffee and donuts in the Parish Hall for us all.)  At the Ministry Fair I will also be soliciting volunteers to serve on a CHRISTIAN FORMATION COMMITTEE which can meet and make determinations about how to proceed together. 

I am also looking to form a LITURGY COMMITTEE that can gather and assist in the planning of how we want to pray together in common.  We together can work to plan particular celebrations like the liturgical seasons of the church as well as particular Holy Days and Holidays.

Think about offering service on one or the other of these committees as well as filling some of the needs we have as Lectors, Acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers and Eucharistic Visitors, Choir and other ministries at the Table on Sundays.  ALL ARE WELCOME (and don’t worry, all will be trained (just in case you are an anxious type, like me). 

Again, Thanks so very much to each of you and I am so excited to be here as we journey forward together. 

Fr .Bob 
Interim Rector


My Dear Friends


Making Beautiful Music Together