
Scripture can be a difficult thing to study. There are so many genres: Stories of Creation and the development of the identity of the People of God, lists of commandments and counting people. Even instructions on building a Tent and Temple for God. All in the first five books of the Bible. There is poetry, wisdom, prophecy, and some history. There is a genre called Gospel. There are also letters written to communities working out their faith. Among others.

While we are not all called to be Bible scholars, we might want to try to read and understand parts of this collection of books better. There are many ways to gain understanding. There are study Bibles that have some interpretation and references. There are Bible scholars that write commentaries which can be helpful in understand background, audience, and word meanings. There are group studies online and in books for learning more about the Biblical texts. And of course, there are podcasts and blogs too. There is also the church.

In fact, we offer Bible study here at Holy Spirit during the Christian Ed hour for adults and youth alike. Most Sundays are between 9:15 am and 10:15 am. In the youth classes they read a text and are asked questions to help them gain understanding. In the adult classes there is instruction and group study where we discover how the Bible meets us where we are at.

We study scripture because that is how God is revealed to us in time. Through the written word. We study so that we can identify and become more familiar with this text and become closer to each other, as well as those in the world of the text, and the early readers of the text. It binds us across time and space. Some describe it as a love letter from God to the world. And I don’t think they would be wrong.

Bible study is part of being a disciple. It can be hard to find time for this, especially now more than ever. So come on Sundays and let’s study together. It makes what might seem hard and difficult to study easier because you are with a group. This is an opportunity like no other. A service provided by the church so that we can all deepen our relationship with the Holy Scriptures, with God, and with our neighbors. Come and together let’s learn more about who we are as a people of God.

Fr. Mitch+


Episcopal School Sunday

