Holy Mistakes
I once heard that the finest rug makers in the world always intentionally place a mistake in every rug. They know that they are so good at making rugs that there is a temptation to feel perfect through their craft. Their mistake is an intentional proclamation that no one is perfect except God. I often think of these rug makers when mistakes are made. In fact, I have come to take peace and joy from my mistakes. Imperfection points to the dynamic nature of life and our need of God’s perfect love.
This period in particular calls for grace around mistakes. Because of all the moving parts and the ongoing evolution of how we function right now, it is impossible to get everything perfectly right. This is why I encourage people to not worry too much when they forget to change the liturgical hangings in the background of recordings to the proper color. It is also why Korey and I often break out in laughter when we make truly obvious mistakes like when I forgot to change into “church shoes” when recording the Maundy Thursday service and we had to re-record. Also, you should have seen us try to pick up the bundle of branches as we began the Palm Sunday procession! Many of you have asked for a blooper real from our recordings which we may offer in celebration after this pandemic is over.
I think I like occasional mistakes because they relieve the pressure to be perfect. They always point to the promise of grace. It is a beautiful gift when friends or loved ones suggest we give ourselves some grace. Of course, I am mostly referring to non-consequential mistakes. I mourn any situation in which someone is hurt. But even in those moments, we rely on our God who is perfectly loving to care for us and encourage humbleness and reconciliation. I pray that in this ongoingly challenging time, we can laugh at our mistakes and give ourselves some grace when we misstep. It is God’s good pleasure that we be freed from the oppression and regret that comes from the demand for perfection. Dear friends, may the peace of God which surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God!
We love you and God loves you.