But, We had Plans!
I have some good news, some mildly unfortunate news, and some great news for you.
First, we have installed the cameras in the church and they are not only fairly unnoticeable, but also have really great resolution! As we gain experience with using them, we will be able to reach most liturgical places in the church from at least a couple of angles. Having heard a touch of concern from a few people, I also want to clarify that, at most, the congregation may be peripherally on camera. Please don’t worry that you will be filmed at church unless you are serving as a reader, acolyte, member of the choir, etc. For this very exciting first bit of good news, I want to thank the Endowment fund that made purchasing the equipment possible!
The mildly unfortunate news is that the special hard-wired connection to the internet needed for the stability and high quality of streaming won’t be able to be installed until Tuesday. Korey and I recorded our virtual service this morning. The upside to the one week delay is that we will be able to have a trial run with the expert consultant this Sunday to gain some experience before going “live.”
The really great news is that this Sunday is Pentecost Sunday! This is the Sunday of the Holy Spirit coming to us to give birth to the community of faith, the Church. We will still be returning to in-person worship at 8:00 and 10:30. We will still be having a baptism. We will still be hearing the Good News that God has come to us as the Advocate to support, love, care, and comfort us through this life and our shared journey. So, wear red and come welcome a new saint into the household of God through the gift and blessing of the Holy Spirit!!!
We love you and God loves you.