Lay Readers - Proclaiming God’s Word
This week I am going to highlight our Lay Reader ministry. Lay readers come up to the lectern from the congregation to read the Old Testament lesson, the Psalm, the Epistle, and the Prayers of the People. At the 8 o’clock and 5 o’clock service, one person reads all four of these. At the 10:30 service, the job is shared by two people. The requirements for the job are dependability, reasonably good diction, and the ability to make yourself heard clearly with the help of a microphone. When I lay read, I practice ahead of time to make sure there aren’t any words I don’t know how to pronounce and to make sure I am able to phrase the sentences appropriately.
Here is what a couple of our lay readers have to say about this ministry:
When I first became a Lay Reader, I volunteered because it was a way to be of service to Holy Spirit yet still manage my three sons' crazy schedules. At the time, I didn't know a lot of people in the congregation. For many years, I would get anxious and my hands would shake as I read. Walking back to my seat, my sons would give me a thumbs up to tell me I'd done ok. Today, our sons are grown and live elsewhere. When I get anxious now (and I still do, sometimes), I look at all the faces that I've come to know, and I feel embraced by this beautiful Holy Spirit community.
- Joanne Polansky
It's enriching to be involved in the service in such a meaningful way. Reading aloud for others, and the preparation that goes into it, allows you to ponder the scriptures perhaps more thoughtfully than you would otherwise.
- Mark Ramey
For me, lay reading is a blessing and a privilege that allows me to fully participate in the liturgy. I'm grateful to be able to do it.
- Bob Lowe
Lay readers are licensed by the diocese, and training is provided before you begin. If you would like to know more about this ministry, please contact Elizabeth Bremner,
Susan Bowen
Holy Spirit Vestry