Peace and All Good!

My dear friends at Holy Spirit.  It is my last chance to say goodbye in print in the Spirit Shot.  It has been a wonderful experience for me to spend some time with you all in the service of Jesus.  Sarah and I have truly enjoyed making friends with many of you and especially connecting with you at our Sunday Celebrations of the Eucharist.  I have also especially relished our time together during our special Christian Formation events and times.  For some of you, we have also rubbed shoulders at Vestry or School Board or staff meetings together.  In whatever capacity, I have been blessed by our time together and the relationships that we have built.  The Spirit is alive and well among you!

I have been at Chapter this week with the Community of Francis and Clare, an Anglican Franciscan community, as we met in Chicago.  We have had a really great week together studying, praying and just being able to celebrate a common spirituality and journey.  For those of you who have made it to our latest Sunday School series, you now that it is essential for Franciscans to seek after finding God in the Other.  I have, as I said, found God among and within you all at Holy Spirit.

Lastly, you will be blessed by the presence of Fr. Mitch among you.  He is a true minister and servant of the Gospel.  I will certainly keep him and all of you in my prayer as you begin your new journey together in the continued labors of making the Kingdom of God present, among us.

As Francis would say: 
Peace and all Good!

Fr. Bob




Welcome to Holy Spirit