What’s New…
While I would usually be more specific, time is strange right now, so I will just say…A while back, I was listening to Sarah’s podcast (The Mockingcast – mbird.com) and David, one of her cohosts said that they had gotten a lot of response that people wanted to hear them talk about something other than COVID-19. So, they did a whole show on Weird Al which turned out to be amazing!
It seems like everything I write or speak about has to do with either the many facets of our current situation or response to questions about when church will return (which with the current Houston numbers won’t be very soon per Diocesan requirement). So, while I am no expert on Weird Al, I will say that I have become newly decent at a few things.
As I began to run low on projects around the house (I finally cleaned out our “storage closet” and found two boxes from when we moved over 7 years ago that had several books I have been looking for), I began to notice and try new things. I can now tell the calls of cardinals, hawks, blue jays, and finches. I know what many of the plants around the neighborhood are called and what level of light they prefer. I can cook things I had never before dared to cook. I cut my own hair for the first time in many many years.
But those are just the incidentals. More importantly, I have a better sense of the intricacies of my family members’ senses of humor. I can intuitively know when my kids are going to ask for a popsicle. I’ve figured out things in ministry that will have a lasting impact on my effectiveness in serving our Church. I have a renewed valuation of the smile of my wonderful wife. As someone who always thought I was attentive to the important details, I have been forced to be more present.
Nothing is promised in this world. This world is unpredictable. Nonetheless, we can know the joy of God’s presence and love in all sorts of ways. I wonder what you have noticed or tried
We love you and God loves you.