Holy Week and All That is Happening

Grace and peace be with you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I pray this note finds you doing well in the midst of this very unusual Holy Week! 

I have noticed a deep yearning for change in so much of what I see in those I encounter through screens and phone calls.  I have come to know the same yearning in myself as well.  The ongoing process of social distancing brings with it a struggle to get everything done while nothing is easy and though time seems to crawl right now, I find that my days don't seem to be composed of enough time.  Part of this is the fact that everything takes longer.  A Zoom meeting seems to last twice as long and preparing worship at least as long. Please don't misunderstand me.  I am not complaining.  Instead, I think naming the reality allows us to see what it is that we hope for.  What do we miss, what do we need?

It is always an important part of the spiritual life to name our reality.  It is always a meaningful exercise to take a moment to notice what we miss and what we need.  This in some ways is an essential character of Lent, and while I have seen the memes a few times that say "This is the Lentiest Lent I've ever Lented!" or "I didn't think I was going to give this much up for Lent this year!" there is value in reflecting in times like this.  What do we really need?  Part of what makes this Covid-19 period so difficult is that I believe we all need human contact which is characteristically impossible at this time.  But, even deeper, what we really need is deliverance.  This is the nature of Lent, to grow in our understanding of this need and the journey of Lent crescendos in this Holy Week as Jesus enters Jerusalem and faces death in order to give us what we really need. All of our truest and deepest need is met in what we will observe over theses next few days.  Join us Thursday and Friday evenings at 6 for services and celebrate with us on Easter morning at 10:30. 

I look forward to our journey together, even if separate. 

See you in virtual church!


Easter Thank Yous, Communion Reflections, and News About Sabbatical


Reflections and Updates in this Upside Down Time