Sharing Power, Goods, and Connection

It is a very uncomfortable thing to be powerless.  It isn’t healthy to be dehydrated.  Losing connectivity creates terrible isolation.  To lose all of these in the midst of a hard freeze has been challenging to say the least.  These are just a few things I have been reflecting on these last few days as I have tried to stay warm and as I prayed continually for you all to stay safe.

We have experienced an intense event, but I also am mindful that there are people around or amongst us who perpetually feel powerless.  There are those who are without what they need most of the time.  The isolation of being alone, something amplified in the last year with Covid, has become even more clearly difficult. 

We will make it through this difficult moment.  We will recover from the frustrating experience of frozen pipes and having to boil our water.  What I hope lasts is the awareness of others who live perpetually with these challenges.  I can’t imagine feeling powerless in perpetuity.  We know there are those in our city who don’t have the basic things they need.  We struggle in this pandemic time to provide connection to those in our midst who are isolated or alone.  I pray that as we enter into this Lenten season we will pray for our neighbors in need and reflect on how we can help them to also live beyond these challenges.  I am so very grateful for the blessings we share and I pray we will discern together to expand these blessings to bring such peace and joy to others.

We love you and God loves you.


The Dynamic Life of Faith


Time and Time Again