An Important Announcement
I am writing you this morning to share the news that after much prayer and consideration, I have accepted a new call to be the next Rector of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Nashville, TN.
I want to start by saying thank you. We have shared so many significant experiences. We worked together to accomplish a capital campaign and building project. We have nurtured the relationship with our wonderful school that is healthy and growing. We expanded our Blessings in a Backpack program to feed 2300 children every weekend. We baptized so many new saints and joined many in marriage. We celebrated the lives of so many lost loved ones. Week in and week out we gathered to pray, sing, and feast on God’s grace together in worship. God was tangibly with us every step of the way and I have no doubt that you will continue to be surrounded and carried by the Holy Spirit.
You have blessed me and my family with ten years of wonderful ministry at Holy Spirit. Even through the very difficult experiences of Harvey and the pandemic, we continued to faithfully follow Jesus. I particularly want to thank you for all your prayers and care when my family experienced personal moments of great loss. The blessing of being a part of the church is knowing that all the things we share are wrapped up in the love and care of God. If you are new(ish) to Holy Spirit, I pray you will put down roots. You have found a wonderful church home.
Our last Sunday with you will be May 7. Until then, I will hope to have the chance to share with each of you how much I love and appreciate you. I have no doubt that this is where God is calling us to go, but that assurance does not negate how hard it will be to say goodbye. I will be praying for you now and always and I have the deepest hope that the next chapter for Holy Spirit will be filled with joy and hope as God continues to bless West Houston with your ministry.
We love you and God loves you,
Josh Condon+
A Message from the Senior Warden
Dear Congregation of Holy Spirit,
I would like to share my sincere appreciation, and the Vestry's appreciation, for Josh's leadership, development and love of Holy Spirit. Through his service to our congregation, Holy Spirit has grown and truly thrived in some of the toughest times in most people's memories. He led us through a rebuild after Harvey and helped us stay connected even during the harshest times of the pandemic. We are now on the other side of these issues: we are a stronger church and family.
Please know that your Vestry and the Diocese of Texas will work diligently to support you and the church as we seek a new Rector. Our first priority, though, is to celebrate and thank Josh for his service to us. Please join us on May 7th after the 10:30 a.m. service for a potluck event honoring Josh and his family. Your fellowship committee will provide Fried Chicken, Iced Tea, Lemonade and Desserts. We ask you to fill the parish hall with wonderful sides.
We look forward to celebrating Josh and all his accomplishments with you.
Bailey Curtis
Senior Warden